Star Wars The Clone Wars S03e04 Thumbnail

The Clone Wars – S3E4 : Sphere of Influence

Aired October 1st, 2010


Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Sphere of Influence is the forty-eighth episode of the canon television series The Clone Wars, set in the prequel era. It was aired on October 01, 2010, as part of Season 3.



  • TypeAnimated
  • FormatEpisode
  • SeriesThe Clone Wars
  • Release StatusReleased
  • Release Date10/01/2010
  • Season Number#3
  • Episode Number#48
  • CertificationTV-G

Official Synopsis

Chi Eekway and Chi Amanwe, Chairman Papanoida’s daughters, are kidnapped and held for ransom. Ahsoka Tano teams up with the Senator from Pantora, Riyo Chuchi, to aid the new chairman in recovering his family before the Trade Federation can unduly influence the future of his planet.

The Chairman and his son, Ion, track down the kidnapper—Greedo—on Tatooine, and rescue Che Amanwe. Meanwhile, Ahsoka and Chuchi find Chi Eekway held captive aboard a blockading Trade Federation battleship over Pantora, and expose Trade Federation officer Sib Canay as a Separatist conspirator.

Opening Crawl

Episode 4

Pantora in peril! The newly elected Chairman of Pantora, Baron Papanoida, is caught in a deadly political game. The Trade Federation has blockaded Pantora and suspended all commerce with the system. Isolated from the rest of the Republic, the people of Pantora are beginning to rally against the Senate, who have seemed unsympathetic to their plight.

To make matters worse, Count Dooku has come forward offering aid if Pantora joins the Separatist Alliance. Chairman Papanoida has dispatched Senator Chuchi to Coruscant with the hope that she can motivate the Senate to act in favor of Pantora before Lott Dod can legitimize the blockade….