Star Wars 044 Cover

Star Wars #44

Published March 7th, 2018


Mutiny at Mon Cala #1 is the forty-fourth issue of the canon comic book series Star Wars (2015). It was published on March 07, 2018 by Marvel Comics.



Publisher's Summary

THE REBELLION NEEDS YOU! The Empire takes from all of us — our freedom, our dignity, our hopes and for some, even our lives. The Rebel Alliance fights to take back our galaxy from the forces of oppression…but we need your help! Be a part of the solution — JOIN THE REBELLION TODAY!

Creative Team

Publishing Team


Opening Crawl

Part I

It is a period of rebuilding in the galaxy. The Death Star has been destroyed as has the Imperial orbital drill on Jedha. A spark of hope has emerged among the Rebellion.

Recently, rebel leaders Princess Leia, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo, have been in search of a new base of operations as they continue the fight against the Galactic Empire’s tyrannical reign.