In the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace Disaster, young Jedi Knight Lily Tora-Asi is assigned to help displaced civilians relocate to Banchii, a planet in the Inugg system far in the Outer Rim. While balancing…
The High Republic: The Edge of Balance
Published by Viz Media
Star Wars: The High Republic: The Edge of Balance is an ongoing manga series, set in the high republic era. The -issue series was published by Viz Media. It began publication on September 07, 2021, as part of The High Republic.
- TypeManga
- FormatSeries
- AudienceYoung adult
- Release StatusOngoing
- Release Date09/07/2021
Publisher's Summary
In the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace Disaster, young Jedi Knight Lily Tora-Asi is assigned to help displaced civilians relocate to Banchii, a planet in the Inugg system far in the Outer Rim. While balancing the arrival of incoming settlers and teaching the Padawans on their Temple outpost, Lily must also confront an attack by the insidious Drengir and, after the events of the Republic Fair, deal with the growing threat of the Nihil. But the dangers to Lily and her Padawans are much closer than she thinks….
Creative Team
Publishing Team
- PublisherViz Media
- PencillerMizuki Sakakibara
Comic Issue(s)
The High Republic: The Edge of Balance vol. 2
A massive, interconnected cross-publisher initiative focused on an all-new era of Star Wars storytelling. It is the era of the High Republic and Republic expansion is at its height. As trusted guardians of peace, the…
The High Republic: The Edge of Balance: Precedent
The next phase of the interconnected cross-publisher initiative, Star Wars: The High Republic, an all-new era of Star Wars storytelling. In the all-new era of the glorious HIGH REPUBLIC, the noble and wise Jedi Knights…
The High Republic: The Edge of Balance vol. 3
A massive, interconnected cross-publisher initiative focused on an all-new era of Star Wars storytelling. It is the era of the High Republic and Republic expansion is at its height. As trusted guardians of peace, the…
The High Republic: The Edge of Balance: Premonition
A massive, interconnected cross-publisher initiative focused on an all-new era of Star Wars storytelling. With the High Republic in turmoil, the galaxy has been plunged into darkness as the fearsome Nihil continue their destructive advance…
The High Republic: The Edge of Balance vol. 4
A massive, interconnected cross-publisher initiative focused on an all-new era of Star Wars storytelling. It is a dark and dangerous time for the galaxy, and the Jedi of the High Republic must face their greatest…