Star Wars Target Vader 006 Cover

Target Vader #6

Published December 11th, 2019


Target Vader #6 is the sixth issue of the canon comic book series Target Vader, set in the classic era. It was published on December 11, 2019 by Marvel Comics.



  • TypeComic book
  • FormatIssue
  • AudienceAdult
  • SeriesTarget Vader
  • Release StatusReleased
  • Release Date12/11/2019
  • Episode Number#6

Publisher's Summary


Valance has escaped the clutches of the Empire, and finally has a lead on who’s REALLY behind the mysterious crime syndicate, the Hidden Hand. In the process, he’s uncovered a mystery about his own past.
Darth Vader… AND members of the Rebellion, desperate for one last arms deal with The Hidden Hand.
Will Valance be able to finish the job and kill Vader? Will Vader crush the Rebellion once and for all? Or will The Hidden Hand continue to walk between the raindrops and escape them all? Check out the thrilling finale to find out!

Creative Team

Publishing Team

Opening Crawl


Cyborg Beilert Valance was once a loyal solider for the Empire. But he was abandoned by the military after suffering grieovus injuries in battle. When he finally returned to his homeworld, Valance found the village had been decimated by raiders. The Empire had abandoned his people as well.

Valance swore vengeance upon the raiders and the Imperials. When the mysterious Hidden Hand organization hired him alongside a team of bounty hunters to kill Darth Vader, he couldn’t say no. But Vader, also on the hunt for the Hidden Hand, wiped out the team and captured Valance. Despite gruesome torture at the hands of the Dark Lord, Valance refused to give up any intel about the shadowy organization and escaped.

Vader has a proposition for Valance; help him destroy the Hidden Hand, and what remained of Valance’s people would be protected by the Empire.

Now Valance finally has a chance for revenge if he can survive the Hidden Hand and Darth Vader….