Darth Vader Dark Lord Sith 013 Cover

Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith #13

Published March 14th, 2018


Burning Seas #1 is the thirteenth issue of the canon comic book series Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith. It was published on March 14, 2018 by Marvel Comics.



Publisher's Summary

As the Empire’s grip tightens, the stirrings of Rebellion begin in the Mon Cala system. Order must be maintained…a job which falls to Vader, his inquisitors…and Wilhuff Tarkin.

Creative Team

Publishing Team


Opening Crawl

Part I

Three years have passed since the ascension of Emperor Palpatine, the formation of the Great Galactic Empire, and the descent of former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker into his new form as twisted half-man, half-machine Darth Vader — Sith apprentice to Palpatine.

Vader and his squad of evil Force-wielding hunters, the Inquisitors, have had great success seeking out the few survivors of the purge that destroyed the noble Jedi Order just prior to Palpatine’s rise. Few Jedi remain in the galaxy.

But now, a threat has arisen to the Emperor’s still-new, still-vulnerable again, and Vader must confront both his past and present….