Darth Vader 006 Cover

Darth Vader #6

Published June 3rd, 2015


Vader #6 is the sixth issue of the canon comic book series Darth Vader (2015). It was published on June 03, 2015 by Marvel Comics.



  • TypeComic book
  • FormatIssue
  • AudienceAdult
  • SeriesDarth Vader (2015)
  • Release StatusReleased
  • Release Date06/03/2015
  • Episode Number#6
  • Story ArcsVader

Publisher's Summary

The Emperor’s machinations revealed!
Everything changes for Vader!
The tale of Vader’s transformation from A New Hope to The Empire Strikes Back continues!

Creative Team

Publishing Team


Opening Crawl

Book I, Part VI

Disorder engulfs the galaxy. After the destruction of the DEATH STAR by a mysterious Force-strong rebel pilot, the Sith Lord DARTH VADER was deemed responsible by his master, Emperor Palpatine. Now pursuing his own agenda, Vader enlisted his own assistance—the bounty hunter BOBA FETT and archaeologist DOCTOR APHRA.

With a newly acquired droid army, Darth Vader stormed a secluded stronghold in the Outer Rim where a technology specialist named Cylo has been secretly working for Palpatine creating lightsaber-wielding cyborgs.

Now in the presence of the Emperor himself, Lord Vader must fight for both his honor and his life against Cylo’s team of technically enhanced warriors….